Hey y’all!
I am so excited for recruitment this semester! My name is Caroline Escuin, and I’m a third year Biology Major with a French minor from Rockwall, Texas. I can’t describe how honored I am to be the Texas Sweethearts Spring 2022 Recruitment Chair. Texas Sweethearts is where I feel most at home at UT. It’s given me friendships, academic and emotional support, and a family away from home.
After touring UT my senior year, it immediately became my dream school. I loved Austin and the diverse atmosphere UT gave off. Austin is very different than my hometown, and I loved that. Not many people from my high school planned on going to UT, so I was excited to push myself to meet new people. Unfortunately, my first semester was a little rough. Joining such a big school with so many organizations made me feel overwhelmed, and I found myself falling behind and not joining any organizations. While I made some friends in my classes, I had nothing else to do with my free time. In high school, I was in tennis and a couple clubs, and I soon missed that sense of community and hated the abundance of free time. Once the semester was over, I began my research into all the spirit groups at UT. I was immediately drawn to Texas Sweethearts because of how diverse the organization seemed on their instagram.
Once Spring 20 recruitment came around, I was very nervous to go to all the events by myself. As soon as I went to the first smoker, my anxieties were eased. The actives were all so welcoming and so happy to be at every event. Each and every conversation I had, drew me further and further into the organization. I knew I had to be in this organization when I had the most meaningful conversation with a now Sweethearts alum. There were no awkward lulls in the conversation, and since coming to UT, I never related to someone so much. Recruitment is very overwhelming, but the people you meet and connections you make are completely worth it.
I don’t know what my college career would be like without this organization. The friendships I’ve made through this organization are never ending, growing each semester with our new classes. When I first came to UT, I could count all the people I knew on one hand, but now, there’s a whole organization I can always count on. Whether it's to pull all-nighters for exams, to eat ice cream and watch Taylor Swift music videos, or to go out and explore everything Austin has to offer, I always know I can find someone to join me. When I look back at all my memories in the past two and a half years, the majority are with Sweethearts. This organization has shaped me so much and allowed me to grow past what I thought I was capable of. The diverse majors, backgrounds, and personalities push me to be a better person everyday.
This is why I am so honored and happy to be the Texas Sweethearts Spring 2022 Recruitment Chair. I am excited to meet each and every single one of you throughout these next couple of weeks. I can’t wait for y’all to see why each and everyone one of our members love this organization. Spring ‘22 we’re waiting for ya!!
Lots of Love,
Caroline Escuin
Spring 2022 Recruitment Chair
